Congress just moved our collective cheese. And swapped in a Swiss variety. This new cheese, their folks will consume, We the People can eat the holes.
Far more of the American populace supported the 2013 government shutdown than now supports Obamatrade (Trade Promotion Authority, fast-track authority) and its train of extra-Constitutional treaties. On its eve in 2013, 45% of likely voters favored a government shutdown according to Rasmussen Reports; while, at present, "public opinion is running 5 to 1 against" Obamatrade (TPP) according to Phyllis Schlafly. In other words, almost all Americans are against Obamatrade. And they know next to nothing about it. But neither do their representatives. Because its details, if they exist, are in a secret room these representatives apparently keep from even themselves. But neither their elective ignorance about it, nor the public obscurity of its details, nor their own future electability, nor their conservative exclamations, nor their Constitutional duty, nor their contempt for a President they affect to despise, nor their compassion for displaced American workers (ie. TAA did not pass), nor the reckless prospect of harmonizing deflationary economies can check "conservative" representatives and candidates in their sale of American sovereignty.