Monday, October 22, 2012

Elegant Smiles

There are those in our community who, with elegant smiles and outward certitude, are trying to turn the internet, neighborhoods, activities, and relationships into webs that snare others. Like the Pharisees, refusing to enter God's kingdom, they seek to hinder others.

If we allow these detractors entice us, their efforts will join us with the whore of the earth, described by the Apostle John, in the Book of Revelation (Chapter 17). There, we are warned that, ultimately, the beast that the whore rides, earthly kings, will hate the whore, reveal her nakedness and desolateness, "eat her flesh", and "burn her with fire". To me, it sounds like an inquisition based on the use of information technology and surveillance to discover and reveal secret iniquity, to enable possession and consumption of those who have been joined to the whore at the discretion of those in power--however briefly.   The technology for an inquisition, like that described, already exists. It is being implemented at super spy centers (ie. in Bluffdale, Utah).

Beware the whore.  Beware those who would ensnare you in any way.   If you would be free, be free of sin through Jesus Christ.  If you are ensnared, you can be released by and through Jesus Christ.

If you prefer to captivate others, it may seem to you for a time that you are in control, but you will find, as John predicted, that "he who leadeth into captivity goeth into captivity".  God bless you to evade captivity.

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