Friday, May 16, 2014

The Bigger They Are.....

Adolf Hitler knew something about fabrication. His gift for fiction enabled his industrialization of human extermination--his application of machine methods to mass murder. Aside from liquidation lines and devices, the 'machines' he worked through were other human beings whose consciences he coopted and ultimately corrupted with lies. He once described his best practices: "A definite factor in getting a lie believed is the size of the lie. The broad mass of the people, in the simplicity of their hearts, more easily fall victim to a big lie than to a small one." He understood that crowds are no check on fiction. He knew that community often coopts one into a perverse conformity.

The size of a lie has to do with the numbers of persons who adhere to and espouse it wittingly or not. Big lies enjoy widespread and frequent repetition and affirmation. Big lies depend on complicity in media: all information is politicized; and propaganda supplants truth.  Big lies are institutionalized:  in the economy, in government, in public policy, in courts, in schools, in universities, in corporations, in hospitals, and etc. In this way, big lies achieve a perverse integrity that envelopes the individual.

This integrity, always tenuous as to truth, is threatened by individual expression. To maintain its 'integrity', it must constrain individual conscience whether by fear or force. Individual expression that is not affirmative is deemed malignant. Only expression that is affirmative has an audience. For the masses, expression is fixed (ie. by fear) on soothing, self-centered, and benign subjects like peace, joy, happiness, love, hope, health, work, personal management, sports, business management, unity, camaraderie, friendship, and fashion. Note that truth, investigation, and dissension are taboo. Big lies portray big questions as solved and settled. Digressions are cast as degenerate, unpopular, hyperbolic, and anachronistic.

Gradually, by gain or pain, every institution and every individual is made an accomplice--endorsing and enforcing the big lie. And vigilantism ensues--as it did on Kristallnacht. To attest their allegiance, to settle a score, to aggrandize self, mobs destroy the livelihoods, properties, and reputations of others to uphold big lies. The mobs multiply. They become institutions. And extermination ensues.

Can't we, Americans, rest assured that big lies only prevailed only elsewhen and elsewhere? Surely, suggestions to the contrary are hyperbolic? For example, let's not question whether the sciences (ie. 'settled', expert, and authoritative economic and environmental science) are superior to the rule of law. How could economic stagnation have anything to do with moral uncertainty in the execution of laws? Would it be anachronistic to inquire: can moral reason, behavior, rights, and justice prevail in a society that rejects morality? Wouldn't it be downright degenerate to ask: are Christians currently being classified as a race of 'haters' who ought not to appear in the public square, to vote, to speak, to lead? Please, let's stay our conversation on what's soothing, self-centered, and benign. By the way, how many vegetables and calories did you eat today? Do you know who friended you on Facebook?

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